AB150 PTE estimate mistake

Source: CA FTB to Spidell 7/22/24

If your LLC/Partnership/S corporation had made a “pass through entity” payment to California and mistakenly paid it as an estimated payment instead of a Form 3893 payment, the FTB will now allow you to recharacterize the payment. The request must be made in writing to move the payment incorrectly shown as an estimate to a pass-through entity payment.

If you have made this mistake, please contact us and we will help you to draft the request letter.

Unused 529 Education Savings Rollover

Ref: SECURE Act 2.0 (2022)

Example: Your child, Sam, is the beneficiary of a 529 education savings plan with a balance of $30,000 and he’s finished with college. What to do with the remaining funds?

NEW: Under new law, you can roll the 529 funds into a Roth IRA in Sam’s name subject to the annual maximum (currently $7,000). THESE ROLLOVERS ARE TAX AND PENALTY FREE. In this example, you’d be done with the rollover in five years.

ALTERNATIVELY: You may want to consider waiting… and change the beneficiary to your grandchild (yet to be born). By the time he/she goes to college, the account should grow substantially.

CA Raising Taxes SB 167

Ref: SB167 signed by Gov Newsom this week.


Background: In California’s frequent times of financial difficulty, the Legislature often suspends the ability to use prior year net operating losses against current year income. This effectively raises CA taxes by taking away a deduction… And this deduction is more common during hard economic times.

Ideally this deduction will return to CA taxpayers for the year starting 1/1/2027, but the Legislature could extend the suspension.

Who is NOT subject to the suspension:

  1. Individual taxpayers who have net business income OR modified adjusted gross income of less than $1 million.
  2. Corporate taxpayers who have business income subject to CA taxation of less than $1 million. Business income is defined as income from a trade/business whether by the taxpayer or through a partnership, LLC, S corporation owned directly/indirectly by the taxpayer; OR rental income; OR a farming business.